Hello and welcome to the MN SELECT team access page. Here you will find information that is pertinent to the program.
Welcome to the MN SELECT Lacrosse program. Here is what you need to know for onboarding and getting started with our communications to keep you in the loop with communications, your coaches, and all resources! Thank you for doing your part to follow along with our communications!
- MNLOONS.ORG Here you will find registration info, Drills data base, Fusion Training, program info and private Team Access page. Password: 3594wearemn
- SportsRecruits: Rostering, Recruitment research support, Recruitment platform to college coaches, athlete-coach development feedback, game/highlight film and team documents/terms. "General lacrosse" resource
- Team App: Group Messaging, News, Schedule with RSVP, Documents, direct messaging to staff
- League Apps: Registrations and Email notifications platform

Hello everyone we would like to take a moment to help share some information here that can help as FAQ`s
- MNLOONS.ORG Here you will find registration info, Drills data base, Fusion Training, program info and private Team Access page.
- SPORTSRECRUITS: Rostering, Recruitment research support, Recruitment platform to college coaches, athlete-coach development feedback, game/highlight film and team documents/terms
- Team App: Group Messaging, News, Schedule with RSVP, Documents, direct messaging to staff
- League Apps- Registration/Email: Will be sent out as well for larger events and notifications through the email you created your "registrations" with through League Apps
- HOW WE COMMUNICATE: large topic in depth info will be sent out through email along with any links that might need to be completed. Day to day communication can be found on TEAM App app. Please keep comments to very few posts on large member group and more detailed/trip orientated questions to smaller/team groups. If you have a question you can always call us. Please refrain from texts as messages can be overloading communication source. Feel free to use Team App to direct message one of our staff contacts listed on this page! Also follow us on Twitter and Instagram @MNLoons
Hours of Availability-
- TEAM APP messaging to Director Coach Husak- answered asap unless over Holiday or after hours
- TEAM APP messaging to staff- Daytime Mon-Friday from 9am-5pm messages after hours will be answered ASAP or following day
- Loons Training Center- Depending upon season. Listed as M.O.S.T. time on calendar. Please check daily.
- Phone Calls- Daytime Mon-Friday from 9am-5pm, in case of emergency at event/practice 24 hours a day
- Please refrain from texting and message via TEAM APP
- EMAIL - TEAM APP - Phone Call-
PARENT-ATHLETE-STAFF: Communication: Questions or comments about placement, development or anything involving "sport or team" concern needs delivered from the ATHLETE-COACH. PARENTS role is to support that connection and bond. Trust and respect needs to be built between all parties. If there is a personal issue or troubles or concern not involving "sport", for example depression, anxiety or other emotional support opportunity we welcome that discussion to better support your student athlete. Athletes need to communicate with coaches at all times. For example if an athlete is injured or has another potential conflict they need to confide in the coach on their issue or attendance. It is not the athlete or parents decision on where to miss practice or not, the coach and the athlete need to hold, manage, and stand by that decision.
Please take time to read through important pages posted on ABOUT tab on our website. All pages house very informational content about our program, values, and goals.
- WHERE TO FIND THINGS? TEAM ACCESS tab for coaches contacts. Continued training elements through FUSION training and TRAINING CENTER tab INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOS. Team agendas and itinerary TEAMS pages along with event waiver links. Team/Parent Hotels, TEAMS pages. LeagueApps dashboard for adding email accounts, registered programs, account management.
- CALENDAR: Can be used as a reference from last seasons plans as well as up to date plans. Some tournaments may not be posted on the calendar but will be listed under the itinerary on TEAMS tab pages. As far as a general note for the strategy of planning our events...if we look to have any team activities, option showcase days, or other such actions we place those on the front end of the events to leave the backend open for optional family travel.
- MEMBERSHIP DUES AND CANCELLATIONS: Payments will begin in the fall and be broken up into payments that start in the fall and end in the summer. All members MUST register through our LeagueApps registration. Any cancellations will be declared and potential refunds will be issued at the conclusion of season barring any additional added practices or events acting as appropriate "substitutions or make ups" created and decided on by our staff with development, need/goal based process. It is required that membership dues must remain in good standing. Any questions or further support can be requested at anytime.
- ATHLETE DEVELOPMENT RESOURCE: Sportsrecruits individual accounts will house, direct, and store all information on athlete development feedback, recruitment support, game film, team film review/tutorials and access to create highlight reels. Athletes along with the support and guidance of their parents may message our staff utilizing this platform for development tracking, recruitment sourcing, and any other support needed. it is EXPECTED that ALL EMAILS sent to collegiate coaches for recruitment on this platform from this platform include Director Coach Brandon Husak on each message. Parents are expected to help motivate and guide athletes in using this platform!
- DEVELOPMENT PLAN OVERVIEW: Each plan is unique to each individual. If you have goals to become an elite prospect for collegiate recruitment then you need to expect to dedicated elite values, dedication, and a lifestyle to become one! You will need to fuel yourself to right way. Priorities with overtake options. You must be coachable, listen, and confide in our staff. Each athletes path is different and will almost certainly reflect the effort and dedication it took to achieve the end goal. We are not a placement program, we are a guidance program. We will tell you every step along the way of what it takes to get there. There is no set script for every player to follow. Kids are kids once, academics must remain a priority and we are here to help and create the plan to meet your goals!
- We ask that parents/guardians SUPPORT the student athlete and our staff. It is expected that expectation for all is to have trust and support with the three parties but priority needs to be placed in this manor.. Student athletes must be coachable, trust and communicate with MN SELECT / Loons / LTC staff. At anytime is encouraged for an athlete to confide in the staff first, we ask that the parent only be involved to help, or encourage the athlete to contact the staff if the athlete has hesitations doing so. Staff will not enter a discussion about playing time, placement, issues or other concerns without the student athlete being involved in the discussion. The purpose for this "3 way Inclusion" is simply respect for all parties.
- Bottom line- We are here to support, motivate, develop, guide student athletes into the next stage of their life having entitlement through confidence in their future. To enable this we proudly prioritize our relationship with our student athletes and respect the support the parent guardians are giving those two groups!
- Wear your Loons Team gear so they know program affiliation.
- Be confident Not Arrogant
- BE ATHLETIC. Play as hard as you can, be vocal, not yelling just to yell but be clear in relavent communication
- Yes Coach, response to everything.
- Thank every coach there for their time. Make eye contact.
- CALL YOUR NUMBER. If you dont dodge, you wont be seen. Be smart dont do TOO MUCH but be aggressive.
- Dodge on Short sticks
- Goal is Scored and you are on the field- If you are a Middie put yourself to the far side of the field for faceoff so you dont get called off.
- Stay by the Water Jug- When you come off the field stay near the water jug or the front of the line to get back on the field fast
- Start of play- Stay on the field. When the team is in the huddle dont wait for a coach to put you on, just go out there!
- Dont get buried on the crease. If you find yourself there, pop or cut or do something to get off the Crease so you can be seen
- NO LOON ON LOON CRIME- If you are matched agains a Loon have a teammate switch with you so you dont cancel each other out on Highlights.
Recruitment Support -Program Director: Brandon Husak, 651-402-0459, Boys Program, Athlete/Coaching Training and Development. Recruitment support
Associate Director: Drew Peterson 314-602-0807 High School Boys / General Questions
Girls Program: Brandon Husak 651-402-0459
Click the image above to go to FUSION TRAINING
Welcome to the Fusion Training program. Born of necessity, but built for reality, Fusion brings online individual learning and training to the next level! Our staff utilizes a combination of elements in film and personal training along with skill development to present the individual student athlete an opportunity to develop at anytime and anywhere! Keep track of your training in your Loons Student Athlete handbooks.
Film Breakdowns will be similar to what a student athlete will see in his team room with a high school or collegiate team while breakdown performance. Coaches points will be captured with voice over commentary highlighting the pros and cons. In place of using Pro or NCAA Div 1 film we are cracking open to Loons film database and highlighting competitive games within our own history so our athletes can relate with a skillset that is relatable to their own!
Progressive Fitness plan will follow our LTC Strength progressive format. Elements will be achievable from ones own living room or backyard! The progressive format will enable the student athlete to step up the routine from week to week.
Skill Set Work, along with the fitness routine will be manageable at home, your nearest wall, or even backyard or neighborhood goal. Routines will be built around the basics, but built for fun. Boring wall ball get old. Quick. This element will also be progressive and may even intertwine with other film or fitness plans. Shooting will be a bonus, and can even be achieved by using a dead tennis ball on your wall!
Recruiting/Film: Film for the summer is more crucial than ever before. College coaches are sitting waiting for events to take place, film to watch, and NEED to recruit players. Gather film from the spring and summer seasons. Be ready to make "Seasonal Edits" of your athlete. (Tips below) In the mean time...make sure you are on ConnectLax (athlete with parental support and motivation). Research the extensive platform of opportunities for you, its cool, get into it!! Next, thoroughly go through your film on the Video manager tab of ConnectLax, create a highlight and send it to coaches.
Some background on Coach Husak.
"I have been involved in the professional ski film/action sports industry for over 20 years. (yes still involved here and there). I have worked on a number of different projects on location, and editing with the best professional skiers and crews in the industry. Outside of skiing I have worked on a number of different projects including Red Bull events, filming musicians, and even a number of weddings. These opportunities have led to great experiences, meeting friends, and a unique professional skill set in creating highlight reels while utilizing the best software, layout and design to craft the best promotional piece to share with a college coach."
FAQ`s to start us off:
What should I film? Pretty much everything you can! A game you did not record is a game you dont have! But....the good content comes against the best opponents. Fast, athletic, clean, confident play stand out. when editing dont use clips with penalties, weak shots, or saves that give up big rebounds.
How long should a reel be? Just keep it good! 45 seconds is better than nothing and if an additional 30 seconds of footage is not your best, then maybe dont show it!
When do I send this out? There is a bit of a strategy to this. You dont want this email to get buried. Smart to look at a coaches schedule. While in season and a day before a game, they may be traveling and may not see it. In August, coaches may have time off with family. Ask Coach Husak on when a good time would be, and when you send it through ConnectLax coach can even track to see if they have opened it.
Should I be ULTRA focused on Social Media postings? Not so much. The ever so flooded propaganda of lacrosse clips on Instagram these days has become crazy! Honestly, a coach, or reputable coach, is not skimming Instagram to recruit a kid who posts a 15 yard behind the back shot that goes viral. It may grab someone's attention, but then what do his/her next 20 clips in a highlight reel look like?! End of the day, that coach STILL may want to see the athlete play live. It can help, yes, and we have had players recruited of social media numerous times, but based off of good footage, using multiple clips vs. worthy opponents.
Here are some notes and things you can be doing right now!
- Create a "Hit List" From daily events that are filmed take out your phone after practice or game and right a note on what you did well, when, what side of the field and against what opponent so that you can search your film much faster! Dont forget your moments!
- Create Highlight Shorts- go on ConnectLax and make weekly highlights, even 30 seconds is great.
- Stay Relevant- take those shorts and share them with college coaches. These give GREAT opportunities to send a message text/email to a coach to stay on their radar weekly especially if you have established a recruitment path with them. It also shows your initiative and organization.
- BE RECRUITED- This makes you more sought after and "ups" your credentials. One of the first things a coach will ask is "where are they also looking at" and we cant fill up that list then that coach does not feel the pressure or need to move more aggressively. If other coaches recruit you they know that eyes are on you, and that you HAVE BEEN doing the right things.
- Continue research on schools, and emailing coaches. CC on emails so we can be a point of reference. Respond to all coaches who email you, respectfully mention to them why and if the school is not a good fit, you need allies, dont burn bridges!
- Impression. Is this the impression you want to give. With some school, the majority for that matter the first impression may be your only chance you get! Is it a good one?
- Take a step back. Analyze. Is the footage representing the calibre of lacrosse play you strive to achieve? That's where we can step in as well. Our program has an incredible reputation of honest, and proper analysis of student athletes that contribute to the program where they have been recruited.
THE MOST IMPORTANT THING: Confide in your coaches! Do not "Go it Alone" We have been involved in this process thousands, yes thousands of times. EVERY single player I have ever helped along this process has had a different path. Let's create yours with our network and what is best for your goals and future!
-Coach Husak
- Collect Content. Go through every source that you have for content and gather. Sportsrecruits is a great tool to use to upload and edit film to create tis reel. Log in, upload and get started.
- Highlight and trim. Circle yourself. (Goalies dont need to) Keep it simple and clean, professional. No Fire Rings or jazz fingers! Make sure your clip has ample time in front of the highlight and behind. maybe 3 seconds before and 1 second or so after. You want to keep it moving to keep the flow entertaining to the viewer.
- Timeline Editing. Layout to Entertain! Best clips up front. Quickest, best moves, best saves (no rebounds) best defense (no flags) best of the best up front. If you score a goal and you ARE a fast athletic player maybe have your next clip be the best clip showing speed. Dont have 8 right handed goals in a row, mix it up with a lefty goal on clip 5 to show diversity in your play, then back to the righty goals! A coach once called me after watching 30 seconds of a reel, said he saw enough and recruited the athlete with a phone call to me on his walk to Lunch! You dont know how much time they have to watch the reel, maybe one of their players walks into their office and interrupts the viewing, you might only get one shot so show them the best up front and keep them watching!
- Audio. Easy one here...."If your parents wouldn't want to hear the music maybe you should use least the language or lyrics used! Have it upbeat, tempo, or even no music at all. I once had a coach reach out to me after seeing a reel we put out saying he loved the 80`s rock I used, it reminded him of helping his father in the garage while working on the car! Its ok to let your personality out a bit, but...REMEMBER YOUR AUDIENCE!
- Length. Goal is 1:30-3:00 minuets long. Thats a good length. 5 minuets would have to be very good footage with very in depth content. If you want to come out with 30-45 second shorts lets say maybe a recap of an event, those are great to drop on you SR account or share with a coach who is already recruiting you! All the rules above apply. Do it right.
- Finalizing. Place our contact info on the clip. Include accolades and slides. SR should have a building to help with this. Many players also create a slide or still frame from other software like power point and upload it to the reel. Upload it to SR, and always a good idea to upload it to youtube. Place tags/title on youtube like "First Name 2022 Lacrosse Highlight Reel YourCity Minnesota". Then any coach can just search you. I was in a discussion with a coaching staff once while walking to breakfast near campus. I mentioned the players name on our walk, and when we sat down one of the coaches already youtube`d his name and was watching his reel. This player was recruited over
Any problem reach out to us! Here to help.
SportsRecruits SUPPORT. High School athlete profile included within Loons Membership dues.
Step 1: Parents/Players should go SportRecruits and confirm your account (account for players). Begin the process and explore! Play games and start your content for film!
Step 2: SportsRecruitsPlayers are expected to review game film to grab highlights and plug the clips into a highlight tape. You can make separate highlight tapes for games. This will allow coaches who view your Sportsrecruits account to see condensed footage of your best plays. Film will still be broken down and shared to the respective age group’s page. **Make sure to ADD tags of players other than yourself if you see them! Tutorials for this within Sportsrecruits website support! While researching school on the Sportsrecruits platform make sure you tag your interest in the school with the icons provided. Our staff will see that and recommend if it is a good fit, or a reach.
Step 3: Research and Email! On Sportsrecruits take your highlight film and send it to prospective coaches. Make sure that you always tag your coaches contact into that email so that we can be an advocate for you and speak on your behalf. 50% if not more of recruitment is NETWORKING, we excel at this and have years of contacts and building relationships! If a coach reaches out to you ALWAYS respond even if you do not have the strongest interest in a school. Be responsible, respect the process for all!